Jeremy 17k US

jo 2dan TW
Very Good

Bernd Daverkausen 1K DE
as i remember you once stated after the Nong Shim Cup "until now i played go with application, from now on i want to have fun while im playing". this may be also the reason that your style changed during the last years. so i hope, that you have reached your goal. If this is so, than it doesnt matter, that your former style might have been more succsessful. Your records will be hardly ever reached. And i hope you stay happy with your go and give your fans a lot of more enjoyable games.

D\'mitri Moore KGS 3k US
You are great!!!

What advice would you give to a young Go player trying to improve his game?

Aragon 7d RO
I always enjoyed your games. I wish you all the best.

Kairu 1D MY
Master Lee you are always being my master in go.

Linden Chiu 1 dan US
Your life and death series has been quite helpful to me. Thank you.

Yiyu Wang 5d US
Thank you for providing an inspiration to Go fans across the world. Your style has inspired a great many people and the new generation of professionals grew up studying and emulating your play.
Thank you for showing us that Go is not only about brilliant moves, but also about patience, tenacity, and hard work. In addition to young professionals, this has stirred a whole new generation of amateur players across the world.
Thank you and best wishes for your continued success. I hope to have the chance to meet you someday.
Yiyu Wang

Pablo Beret 10k ES
Greetings to the World best player from Go Club Ubicuo Ki-in at Seville, Spain.

Lee our reference in the Go world and analyzing and play their make we better players.

We invite you to visit our university club and see our beautiful town.

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???? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ????? ??? ????? ??? ????????.

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mpx 5d KGS C2

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