Paul B Rimmer 14k GB
I am just a child at baduk, trying to make his first steps. When I first started my first games a couple months ago, I almost gave up study, but when I learned about your peaceful and simple style of play, I decided that there was much for me to gain if I continue learning about baduk. Even if I cannot yet appreciate the technical depths of your moves, your style has helped me appreciate the game more. When I play peaceful and simple moves in a game, I enjoy the game, even if I lose. Thank you.

Harkonnen 16 kyu DE
Your peaceful playstyle never ceases to amaze me. Thank you for being awesome.

Shenlom 12K RU
My pleasure, to join fan club Lee Changho.
I want to learn more about Lee and his style.


Jermelle MacLeod 2d US
Hello Lee Changho. I have studied your games for 2 years now, and my style is like yours. Thank you for your wonderful moves and please, come to America!

Terry Hack 15k US

Justin Smith 6k US
thank you very much i try to mermoriz one of your games each day and i feel each game i look at i get stronger and stronger thank you very much

Nu ma exprim bine in engleza asa ca o sa scriu in romaneste. Sunt un jucator slab, dar am cativa discipoli. As vrea sa-i invat sa joace mutari comune atunci cand oponentii fac mutari exceptionale si sa joace mutari exceptionale cand acestia joaca mutari comune. Astfel, atenti la tot si la toate, cred ca vor invata vesnicia. Multumesc pentru efortul de a citi si intelege mesajul meu, Dupaaxe

C ostel Pintilie 4k RO
Hello from the other side of Earth.

From my level of 4k, this is like talking to God :)

I admire you mostly for the attitude of playing for the game itself, not the result.

Kei 4k IT
Thanks for the games. LeeChangHo is amazing!

Manslay 10k RU

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